Autodesk Softimage – это высокопроизводительный программный продукт для анимации 3D-персонажей и создания визуальных эффектов. В комплекте 2 диска с воможностью скачки отдельно - 32-х и 64-х битные платформы. Релиз обновлен 19,07,2012: добавлен SP1.
Год: 2012 Размер x86: 3.02 Гб Размер x64: 3.14 Гб
Разработчик: Autodesk Язык интерфейса: Английский Таблетка: Присутствует Версия: 2013 SP1 Build Разрядность: 32bit+64bit Совместимость с Vista: полная Совместимость с Windows 7: полная Системные требования: Softimage 32-bit and 64-bit is supported by any of the following operating systems: - Microsoft Windows 7 Professional operating system (SP1) - Microsoft Windows XP Professional operating system (SP3) Softimage 32-bit and 64-bit requires the following supplemental software: - Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 internet browser or higher - Mozilla Firefox web browser Hardware (minimum) - Intel Pentium D processor workstation (or higher) - Certified hardware-accelerated OpenGL 1.5 (or higher) professional graphics card with latest graphics driver available from vendor - DirectX 9.0c application programming interface and higher (recommended for support of the advanced features of DirectX 9 application programming interface) - 1.5 GB free hard drive space. Setup requires additional temporary disk space for the system’s temporary folder when decompressing files during installation. - 2 GB of RAM; 4 GB RAM for 64-bit - 1,280x1,024 screen resolution recommended - Three-button mouse - Network adaptor with internet connection for licensing - DVD-ROM drive
Интуитивные неразрушающие процедуры, инновационная среда ICE (Interactive Creative Environment) и инструменты лицевой анимации Autodesk® Face Robot® значительно расширяют возможности рабочего процесса, организованного на базе Autodesk® Maya® или Autodesk® 3ds Max®. Благодаря новым функциям, улучшенному взаимодействию с продуктами из состава Autodesk Entertainment Creation Suite Premium и поддержке современных технологий пользователи Autodesk Softimage без труда справляются с самыми сложными задачами на стадиях разработки 3D-игр и постпроизводства.
CrowdFX — Моделирование толпы с помощью функций многопоточной системы работы с частицами ICE (Interactive Creative Environment). Высококачественный видовой экран — Результаты работы просматриваются в среде, которая с высокой точностью моделирует окончательную визуализацию. Усовершенствованные возможности монтажа и анимации — Повышена общая производительность процесса подготовки анимации. Модуль Bullet physics для ICE — Расширенные возможности моделирования столкновений и основанной на частицах динамики жесткого тела. Новые инструменты моделирования и выбора — Росту эффективности способствуют новые инструменты полигонального моделирования и выбора объектов.
Лекарство: Для лечения читаем readme в папке Crack. upd: SP1 поддерживает ту же систему лицензирования, что и базовая версия, т.е. заново патчить не потребуется. Версии 2013 и 2013 SP1 могут быть одновременно установлены на одном компьютере.
Autodesk® Softimage® 2013 Service Pack 1 (SP1) The latest service pack for Autodesk® Softimage® 2013 software includes 75 fixes. Coexistence Softimage 2013 SP1 is a full build and can co-exist with Softimage 2013. Softimage 2013 is not required to be uninstalled first. Licensing Softimage 2013 SP1 uses the same license as Softimage 2013. When installing Softimage 2013 SP1: • Enter the product key 590E1 and your Softimage 2013 serial number, and then click Next. • If you have a Network license, click Configure to switch to the Network licensing method.
The full list of fixes is as follows: Animation SOFT-2810 Retimer Tool Softimage: Swapping Buffer curves causes refresh issue SOFT-2188 MOTOR - Mistakes in tag template for BVH file crash Softimage when you click Apply in Mocap To Rig Data Management SOFT-6095 xsi crash with refmodel in texture mapping SOFT-5662 Using Save Cache to Mixer button from the Caching Files Tabs causes a crash SOFT-5580 RefModel: Log messages are not being displayed SOFT-5555 Saving a scene with an ICE tree on a referenced model and loading it back up and you lose the ICE Tree completely. SOFT-4703 Missing an expression when merge Scene General SOFT-6007 Softimage Crashes when light is deleted after 3d light manipulator is turned on SOFT-1943 Crash: Animation Mixer Audio Track SOFT-1294 SetTagValue will crash scene SOFT-1862 Setup | Installation Progress Bar was not calculated properly ICE SOFT-6000 Using locations with BuildArrayFromSet gives an array that changes each time you access the array SOFT-2761 ICE : using an intrinsic attribute name with AddICEAttribute will crash Softimage SOFT-2707 ICE camera scene references break when using memo cam buttons. SOFT-2521 Bullet: Crash while computing simulation with high number of small particles SOFT-1785 Construction history of ICE Explorer and XSI Explorer doesn't match in specific scenes SOFT-1356 Operator deleted when deleting top ICETree SOFT-1311 ICE keeps evaluating old group members until I replug or repick the appropriate group SOFT-1266 Softimage crash when playing back (in loop mode) a RBD simulation. SOFT-979 SDK : AddICEAttribute failed if object is deleted SOFT-890 problem with ICE relations related to groups SOFT-6150 ICE: Softimage crashes when copy-paste geometry (with ICE Tree) into a model followed by undo ICE Crowds SOFT-5948 Crowdfx: Crash when disconnecting the 1st ICE Node in the Get_Animations_Sources ICETree of the point cloud Modeling SOFT-5003 Modeling | "Slide on Surface" option of Proportional doesn't work Rendering SOFT-6019 RENDERING: Setting an Invalid Temp File Path Crashes XSI On Startup SOFT-6015 Material manager no longer displays clusters SOFT-5986 RENDERING: Unhiding an object in the High Quality viewport crashes Softimage SOFT-5947 HQV: XSI Crash On Exit When Switching To HQV With A Crowd Scene SOFT-5878 Hardware Renderer Scene Option causes polymesh to appear deformed. SOFT-5770 Regression - Copy/Paste Shader Compound missing a refresh SOFT-5687 SDK RENDER: Memory Leak in C3DShaderParamDef When Exporting a Shader Compound SOFT-5620 Ambient occlusion generated map has artifacts, in certain scenarios.SOFT-5612 Crash when setting prefs in Startup event SOFT-5570 XSI Crashes, when Applying A Pass Override On A CustProp That Is Being Pulled By An ICETree SOFT-5564 OGL - HQV - Objects disappear SOFT-5451 Regression - Shaderballs are black when using Hardware Renderer SOFT-5284 Memory leak when Ambient Occlusion shader is exported and re-imported back into scene. SOFT-4741 OGL -HQV Texture Repeats break the Viewcube SOFT-4691 RenderTree Nodes Menu uses Replace Shader instead of Create Shader Task. SOFT-4652 HQV Viewport shaders are draw black when executing from a script on a new session SOFT-2922 Changing viewport shade mode to/from OpenGL modifies user normals on polygon meshes. SOFT-2646 OGL HQV Refresh issue: Environment ball is temporarily visible in middle of viewport, and shaders are black SOFT-1663 Tiles randomly not being rendered on multicore systems with On-Disk Framebuffers enabled. SOFT-1473 A parameter's animation icon is disappeared when creating Group or Tab in a compound shader SOFT-1402 OGL HQV Shadows: artifacts on polymesh edge and component selection SOFT-1320 Wrong display results with generated ultimaps SOFT-1071 Linux - Incomplete rendered EXR frames when On-Disk Framebuffers enabled SOFT-5036 Crash when you assign specific tiff with LZW compression SDK SOFT-6083 SDK: CRigidBodyAccessor.GetPatriarch (), GetShapes(), GetShapeCount() crashes, when no rigid body is present SOFT-6025 FindView2 methods crash Softimage if the specified view does not exist SOFT-6016 GetObjectFromID2 crashes Softimage if the object does not exist SOFT-6003 ICE: GetPortFromName2() crashes if portname does not exist in ICE node SOFT-5993 SDK: Primitive.GetGeometry3() with no arguments causes crash SOFT-5970 SDK: Loading a workgroup on startup using a .wkg file causes assert and crash SOFT-5861 SDK BACKCOMP: Python Import Shortcuts Syntax Help Not Compatible with Legacy Versions of Softimage SOFT-5790 C++ SDK | Missing Classification Argument in Factory::CreateParamDef() SOFT-5691 SDK: Memory Leak when executing WeightEditorView.GetAttributeValue( "invaliddeformers" ) SOFT-2709 SDK | AddScriptedOp fails on first execution under Linux SOFT-1732 SDK: FCurve.Type conversion from siBooleanFCurve to siIntegerFCurve fails and asserts SOFT-1546 SDK: LoadPlugin() not returning the existing plug-in SOFT-6160 Softimage crashes when retrieving view collection from nested views Simulation SOFT-5355 Cannot use Simulate Bullet Rigid Bodies with states FaceRobot SOFT-2619 FR Game Export - Click on "Use Duplicate" on the Game Export PPG then Softimage will crash UI SOFT-2406 LINUX | PPGs pop under views SOFT-1302 Transient Explorer pops under PPGs. ( Fedora Core 14 ) SOFT-5411 Scene specific: Layers nodes are not visible on SE and Layers Curves not visible on the AE with CharacterKeySets Crosswalk SOFT-6011 FBX | keying issue - being changed to 1 key in 2 frame SOFT-5832 FBX material are in the wrong shader node after export import. SOFT-5811 FBX : Diffuse port is missing during export / import of Blinn SOFT-5677 FBX : ICE crash during FBX export in "Mesh_With_Set_ICEMaterials_Tree.scn" SOFT-5632 Unused UVs in an object with "Turn Internal Edge" operation will be wrong in the FBX export-import process SOFT-5352 FBX exporter is splitting UVs causing issues in pipeline SOFT-5160 FBX: XSI crash when export fbx bone using Export Envelope options SOFT-2308 The cancel button is not working in the crosswalk FBX import\export SOFT-1725 FBX: unable to export an image node with constant shader
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